

Without A Word - Birdy

People Help The People 專輯封面. 歌名Without A Word 歌手名 Birdy. 試聽看看. 設為來電鈴聲. 朋友來電時,您聽到的鈴聲. 設為來電答鈴. 朋友打給您時,朋友聽到的鈴聲.

Without a Word

Listen to Without a Word on Spotify. Birdy · Song · 2011.

Without A Word Lyrics Birdy( Jasmine van den Bogaerde ) ...

Birdy( Jasmine van den Bogaerde ); Without A Word Hey you can tell the world. That you're leaving. And you can pack your bags. And spread your wings

Without a Word-歌詞

Without a Word. BIRDY (柏蒂). 試聽 聽全曲. 作詞:Birdy 作曲:Birdy. Hey you can tell the world. That you're leaving. And you can pack your bags. And ...

柏蒂Birdy : Without A Word 一言不發讓你走

2015年1月18日 — 就算分離是命運支配,而非出自己意,她仍然希望這是個圓滿的道別,一個happy ending,而不是因為道別就抹殺從前的回憶。畢竟,如果我們得不到深愛的人, ...

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動
